The delicate trade bead necklace is the newest addition to the SOS Initiative product line. Extra care was taken with these necklaces. Glass beads and semiprecious stones are incorporated to compliment the trade beads. Special crimps and jump rings guarantee its sturdiness. The findings are .999% silver Duroplate!
100% of the net proceeds go toward supporting this urgent campaign.)
Trade Bead Necklace - 07114
100% from the necklace sales are dedicated to resolving medical and emotional needs of women who experienced female genital mutilation/cutting as children. The production team is compensated a fair workforce income.
All necklaces are handcrafted by refugee women at Amani Sewing Academy.
The production team began by studying the color wheel and learned about primary and complimentary colors. They looked at design and balance. Having met the challenge, they were encouraged to explore their creativity making every necklace unique. The women had fun and are proud of their results. As we gather to produce the products, trust is developed in a supportive and safe space. Women benefit by finding their voice and ask many questions. They feel more empowered and directed with their newfound knowledge and increased self-esteem. Thank you for your support of the important SOS Initiative.