Johari Africa - New Arrivals
Johari Africa is a Social Enterprise Project Under Amani Women Center - 501(c)3 Organization based in Clarkson Ga. Johari Africa is Swahili for Jewels of Africa. It has a double meaning; the beautifully hand-crafted jewelry and clothing by African women, and the women themselves. This beautifully hand-crafted jewelry has a story to tell. It is made with care by low income women from various parts of Africa. Using recycled paper, recycled cloth, coconut shells and beading that reflect local culture; these Eco-Friendly artisan crafted products create jobs and fair wages for these hard working African women. For every piece of jewelry sold, the money is reinvested in the community to support their children’s education. As stated by one of these talented women, “Selling this jewelry empowers the community by educating the future generation.” This beautifully hand-crafted jewelry not only substantiates the strength and determination of these women, but is a great example of successful entrepreneurship in Africa. ‘It only takes about $80 US to send a girl to school for one semester in some parts of Africa!’ You can make a difference!
The mission of the Amani Women Center (AWC) is to educate and empower both refugee and immigrant African communities in Clarkson, around the Atlanta metro area, and also local communities in Africa. AWC has established a successful track record, delivering unique and culturally sensitive programs & services for immigrant and refugee women in Clarkson, Georgia and parts of Africa. AWC works towards their overall development, empowerment and championing an improved quality of life to these target communities.
• To learn more or donate please Contact US:
US-Tel: 678-793-0466 / US-Tel: 678-274-9346
US-Tel: 404-780-1754 / US-Fax: 678-526-0891
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